The story began when Amelie fell in love with chocolate while being at the center of the family cake and confectionery production, but only years later, she was inspired to create a new, unique, different product. She realized that chocolate has the power to create and host experiences and to bring distinct feelings, emotions, memories, and instances into people’s lives.

Unimpressed and distressed by the too-serious-state of the chocolate industry, she longed to start a company that brought back unapologetic glamour and femininity. Inspired by a love of Paris, unabashed girliness and the transformative power of confectionary, she created LAMÉLIE, a boutique brand with big dreams. Today, LAMÉLIE has grown into one of a leader within the chocolate industry in Armenia, creating innovative aesthetic bonbons that women love to eat and take a picture with.

This is not only just a place to buy a chocolate, but a trendy candy production that keeps pace with fashion. Pastel-colored chocolates arranged in a light pink delicate box – an eye-catching beauty that gives aesthetic pleasure with its delicate feminine charm.

And this is LAMÉLIE’s exclusive heritage. A cosmos that now spans unique delicate chocolates, elegant boxes and packaging, personalized gift arrangements and more.

Amelie Khachatryan
CEO / Founder

– “Enjoy the sweeter side of life.”


From humble beginnings, L’AMÉLIE brand has been established in Armenia since 2019 and has become an internationally renowned iconic name for designer, tasty confections with a fashionable edge. With a passionate eye for design, and strong artistic flair, Amelie creates with her heart and soul to ensure each piece reflects a unique, delicate aesthetic the brand is recognized for. With its signature feminine style and packaging designs, each piece tells a story and marks a special time in your life that you remember forever.

L’AMÉLIE is a veritable celebration of sweets and chocolate innovation. Every moment of creation is an intense experience. Several times a year, like fashion designers, L’AMÉLIE imagines new harmonious color and taste combinations, creates and adds pretty images and stickers in its collection. This luxurious handmade range is effortlessly chic, designed to bring couture to chocolates. Made exclusively from natural, high-quality ingredients.

Bonbon is the most common type of chocolate candy, which is covered with a thin layer of chocolate and contains various fillings. Our chocolate bonbons are signature products – handmade, colorful, shiny, with specially designed images.

Having the perfect beautiful chocolate supermodel in our mind, we keep the secrets of the many working methods and skills only typical of L’AMÉLIE. One of the keys of L’AMÉLIE is that all the chocolates are made by hand in small quantities. They are judged and evaluated one by one, paying special attention to details. L’AMÉLIE chocolates are lovingly made and handcrafted in stunning colors, textures and finishes, making the perfect sweet gift to treasure forever.

100% handmade